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The French of the Celtic Worlds Conference / Cynhadledd Ffrangeg y Bydoedd Celtaidd

Attendee Categories

Event Information

The French of the Celtic Worlds Conference / Cynhadledd Ffrangeg y Bydoedd Celtaidd
Dates of Event
9th April 2025 – 11th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
31st March 2025


The French of the Celtic Worlds Conference brings together scholars interested in medieval French-language works produced, circulated, or translated in Celtic-speaking territories to consider various modes of cultural and linguistic contact, and the wider contexts and dynamics in which these processes are implicated.

The conference will take place at the University of Bristol between 9-11 April 2025. Online attendance is also possible.

For more information please visit:

Contact Info:
[email protected]

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