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Society for Renaissance Studies

Society for Renaissance Studies

SRS Biennial Conference 2025: Interconnections

SRS Biennial Conference 2025: Interconnections


This year, the SRS Biennial Conference will revolve around the theme of 'Interconnections' – between people, places and ideas – which were critical to the Renaissance and the world in which it emerged. It will take place at the University of Bristol between 2-5 July 2025.

Refund Policy:
Unfortunately we will not be able to issue any refunds for conference registration if delegates cannot attend. 

Prices depend on income and will be shown on the next page after you select the Book Event button next to your appropriate registration category.  You must select one income level for your registration to be valid.

Contact Info:
[email protected]

Attendee CategoryCost   
Day Rate£0.00[Read More]
Early Bird Non-Member Full Conference Rate£0.00[Read More]
Early Bird SRS Member Full Conference Rate£0.00[Read More]
Society for Renaissance Studies Concert/Lecture - Public Booking

Society for Renaissance Studies Concert/Lecture - Public Booking


The Society for Rennaisance Studies invites members of the public to attend this Concert/Lecture which forms part of their 2025 conference.

Thursday 3 July 2025, 17:30-18:30

Speaker: Dr David Bednall. 

The Polyphonic Music of the Renaissance Period is revered as one of the great cultural treasures of the world, preserving the art and ethos of the composers of the period. It is also something which is in constant use in contemporary worship around the world and so keeps a living link with the past. Clifton Cathedral (1973) is an iconic piece of brutalist architecture which was designed to keep the essential elements of a traditional cathedral in place whilst giving them a strong modern accent. This talk with live illustrations from the choir will examine how this ancient music is heard afresh in this new building and how this relates to the worship of today.

Contact Info:
[email protected]

Attendee CategoryCost   
Concert/Lecture Registration£5.00[Read More]