Elizabeth Blackwell InstituteElizabeth Blackwell InstituteGW4 Early Career Neuroscientists' Day 2024DescriptionECND is organised by, and for, early career researchers (ECRs), from undergraduate students to new lecturers, clinical research fellows and technicians, in any aspect of neuroscience and provides an opportunity for ECRs from the four institutions and beyond to come together as peers. The programme is a combination of ECR presentations, both oral and poster, based on a competitive abstract submission process and focused on generic themes. All are welcome. Full details on the event may be viewed on the website - https://www.bristol.ac.uk/neuroscience/events/2024/gw4-ecnd-2024.html The abstract submission form can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe76FpebWQDalCKzDn_5T08tN_V3DcYoKSEPO-gPSmTzkPm4w/viewform Refund Policy: Please see the More Info tab for details of who will have access to your registration data.Contact Info: