m. Beyond fair play: What would a fair society look like?Info Location More Info Event Information
Description1345-1500, Thursday 3 October 2024 | Watershed, Bristol In a time when social inequality and justice are at the forefront of public discourse, our panel will examine a vision for achieving a more equitable society. In today’s rapidly evolving social and economic landscape, defining and achieving fairness is more important than ever. The event will consider income equality, access to education and healthcare, and the role of government, institutions and civil society in fostering equity. Join our expert panel as they examine innovative approaches and policies aimed at creating a society where opportunities and resources are distributed equitably, and every individual has the chance to thrive. Speakers: Eshe Nelson (New York Times, chair), Daniel Chandler (LSE), Paul Hufe (University of Bristol), Will Snell (Fairness Foundation), Nyoaka Squire (Babbasa) This event is hosted by Economics Observatory and part of the Festival of Economics 2024, the full programme is available at: economicsobservatory.com/festival-of-economics-2024. Refund Policy: Group Bookings: Contact Info: Please see the More Info tab for further information.
Event Location
More InformationBooking InformationPlease note we only refund tickets if the event is cancelled. Events start punctually and, out of consideration to other audience members and speakers, our policy is not to admit or issue refunds to latecomers. ArrivalPlease arrive 15 minutes before the start of the event. Venue accessibility• Watershed’s main entrance and Box Office are both on the ground floor which is accessible via a ramped, electronically assisted entrance door. Visit Watershed’s Access page for more information: https://www.watershed.co.uk/visit/access |